
Dropdown Menu

The Dropdown Menu component provides a dropdown interface for presenting a list of options to users. Here are the technical specifications for the Dropdown Menu component:

  • Type: Interactive UI element

  • Properties: options, multiSelect, onSelect

  • Usage:

      options={['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']}
      onSelect={(selectedOption) => console.log("Selected option:", selectedOption)}
  • Customization Options:

    • Customize dropdown menu appearance, including background color, font size, and alignment.

    • Add custom icons or labels for options.

    • Implement keyboard navigation and accessibility features for enhanced usability.


Dropdown Menu

The Dropdown Menu component provides a dropdown interface for presenting a list of options to users. Here are the technical specifications for the Dropdown Menu component:

  • Type: Interactive UI element

  • Properties: options, multiSelect, onSelect

  • Usage:

      options={['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3']}
      onSelect={(selectedOption) => console.log("Selected option:", selectedOption)}
  • Customization Options:

    • Customize dropdown menu appearance, including background color, font size, and alignment.

    • Add custom icons or labels for options.

    • Implement keyboard navigation and accessibility features for enhanced usability.